Saturday, March 22, 2025

March 5, 2015

Mark Zuckerberg’s One Rule For Hiring New Staff

We have heard Mark Zuckerberg likes to keep his life pretty simple and he recently reiterated this when he revealed his one tip for hiring new staff. We're all ears.

When your estimated worth is $35 billion and you have over a billion active users per month using your site to stalk that person they met last night, you can be pretty pleased with yourself. You must also have some kind of strict regime in place to ensure you look after your flourishing business, chock-full of rules and regulations right?

Not exactly, according to Mark Zuckerberg. I’m sure he doesn’t go around hiring any old sod but he revealed recently that he follows a pretty simple set of rules when it comes to the Facebook hiring process. This from the Telegraph:

Speaking at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week, the 30-year-old Facebook CEO revealed the main thing he looks for in a prospective employee. And the answer is simple.

“I will only hire someone to work directly for me if I would work for that person,” Mr Zuckerberg told the audience. “It’s a pretty good test and I think this rule has served me well”.

Yes he is only 30, let’s all contain our jealousy rage and move on. Zuckerberg also revealed that part of Facebook’s success is based on keeping an intimate and tight-knit workforce. The social media giants employ fewer than 10 000 people whilst Google employs around 55 000.

And your nugget of real inspiration from the Zuck? The Telegraph again:

When you’re young you hear that you don’t have experience to do things, that there are people that have more experience than you. I started Facebook when I was 19.

Don’t discount yourself, no matter what you’re doing. Everyone has a unique perspective that they can bring to the world.

Go forth and make billions readers. Just don’t forget about us when you do or else we will resort to relentless Facebook stalking.
