When your last name is ‘Buffet’ you have probably heard a fair few jokes about your diet. When you’re one of the richest men walking this earth you can pretty much afford to eat whatever you like. When you combine the two afore-mentioned traits you have what one would think is the perfect combination for a healthy, balanced diet.
Well, think again. Warren Buffet, estimated to be worth about $73 billion (that’s American, not Zimbabwean), has revealed his methods for staying in tip-top shape at the ripe old age of 84. His regime, as reported in Fortune:
If I eat 2700 calories a day, a quarter of that is Coca-Cola. I drink at least five 12-ounce servings. I do it everyday (sic)…
I have three Cokes during the day and two at night.
Well, he does own a mere $16 billion worth of stock in Coca-Cola so his brand loyalty shouldn’t be much of a surprise. And what else does he shove down his pie-hole? Potato sticks and ice-cream, including one the very MORNING that Fortune interviewed him. So why the odd dietary intake? Fortune again:
I checked the actuarial tables, and the lowest death rate is among six-year-olds. So I decided to eat like a six-year-old.” The octogenarian adds, “It’s the safest course I can take”.
There’s hope for us all. Now all we need to do is start getting more six-year-olds to binge-drink and smoke two packs a week and we should be golden.