Remember that time you got really high and chundered on your mate, stuffed up your chances with that person you had your eye on for months, picked a fight with a stranger and lost a tooth? No, you sat in and watched TV whilst gorging on delicious foodstuffs.
It’s been a pretty poorly kept secret that alcohol and tobacco are rather bad for your health, but a new study has revealed some alarming figures. Marijuana is 114 times less deadly than alcohol? Yes, if the latest findings published in a journal called Scientific Reports are to be believed. So how bad is dopping then? This from The Verge:
Of the seven drugs included in the study, alcohol was the deadliest at an individual level, followed by heroin, cocaine, tobacco, ecstasy, methamphetamines, and marijuana.
OK, we like a tipple as much as the next person here but are we really worse off having a shot than shooting some dirty smack into our veins? Say it isn’t so. The Verge once more:
…researchers clarified that the study does not suggest that moderate alcohol consumption poses a higher risk than regular heroin use. Environmental conditions, like dirty needles or unregulated supplies, contribute to the overall harm caused by using a drug like heroin. Instead, this study was specifically done to measure the deadliness of the substances themselves.
Oh happy days. Now we can back to moderately getting hammered over the weekend without feeling like we are in danger of ending up under a bridge giving handies for our next hit.