Tuesday, March 25, 2025

February 20, 2015

Move Over Chris Brown: Musician Smashes Female Fan With Right Hook [Video]

Lay your hands on a woman and you're an idiot. Drop a woman with a right hook whilst performing on stage in front of a live audience and you must be high.

People that smoke a good dose of the green stuff on the regular are usually pretty mellow. Anyone who has listened to Afroman’s 2001 hit ‘Because I Got High‘ will know that even getting out of bed can become troublesome for a hardcore stoner.

One thing Afroman hasn’t refrained from doing is clobbering female fans who join him on stage. The singer floored one unlucky lady during a performance in Biloxi, Mississippi. The most disturbing part for me is that the crowd barely register any level of discomfort from what they have seen. I suppose it is Mississippi though so anything goes.

A quick peek at his Twitter account showed what seemed like a remarkable lack of remorse in the hours after the show.

Once the video blew up and he realised he might be in a spot of bother he changed his tune. This from The Independent:

…he claimed that he had been heckled by the crowd and was not aware the woman was behind him. He said he would be attending a clinic to help tackle anxiety issues.

“There was three wrongs in the situation. All I want to do is right my wrong,” he said. “I’m up there trying to do a job. Honestly, I didn’t know a girl was behind me when I swung”.

Imagine the backlash if this was a performer people actually gave a f**k about? He should count his blessings he has faded into obscurity.
