When your net worth is around the $33 billion dollar mark people tend to pay attention when you open your mouth. Should you also speak Mandarin as a little something on the side, you can add another 1.35 billion peeps on top of your audience, which is something Mark Zuckerberg has been doing quite a bit recently.
Zuckerberg recently posted a video to his Facebook page (yeah, he has a cool 23 million followers) to wish everyone a happy Lunar New Year and show off his Mandarin skills. I know, an American who speaks two languages, unheard of. Of course he has his own reasons, with Mashable reporting:
…he learned the language as a “personal challenge” as well as a way to speak to some of his wife Priscilla’s relatives who don’t speak English.
“I have always been interested in Chinese culture and learning a language is a great way to learn about a culture,” Zuckerberg wrote.
Zuckerberg had previously displayed his dual-language proficiency when he conducted a Q and A session at a Beijing university in Mandarin.
Well played son, well played. If $33 billion doesn’t score you some brownie points then learning your wife’s relatives’ language certainly will.