By now you know that last night was music’s equivalent of your matric prom, minus the braces and the eye drops that creep slipped into the punch.
This morning we brought you the main winners HERE, with a certain Sam Smith cleaning up and the ageless Pharrell Williams going home happy.
But we’re not done, because you haven’t yet seen Madonna dressed up as a French maid. The Queen of Ageing Disgracefully was at it again last night, choosing an interesting get-up for music’s biggest event of the year.
How unlike Madonna to try and grab the limelight.
She is, of course, not the only celeb with a penchant for demanding attention. We can always rely on Kanye to taint each evening with his douchebaggery. This time he threatened to interrupt Beck during his acceptance speech for Album of the Year. You can see the video of the incident up top.
To be fair it looks like Kanye was poking a bit of fun at himself but I suggest the Grammy powers that be apply some powerful adhesive to his chair next year. It ain’t all about you Kanye, stick to driving Kim around on the back of your motorcycle at unhealthy speeds.
He did take his chance later in the evening to go off on an epic rant about why Beyoncé should have won the award over Beck, which you can see HERE.
Then there was Sia, who arrived with her 12-year-old dancing buddy from the music video ‘Elastic Heart’, wearing a wig that could have used some explaining.
Perhaps the biggest shock of the night was Lady Gaga arriving wearing something that wasn’t completely ridiculous. She looks rather fetching when not covered in cold meats it seems.
For more pics on what the stars wore check out The Daily Beast and get your collection of awkward GIFs from Mashable.