Sunday, March 23, 2025

February 9, 2015

Kanye And Taylor Are Friends Again [Proof]

The endless entertainment that comes out of Celebville is, well, endless, and often full of wonderful surprises. We especially love it when celebs make up after a little tiff.

I can’t explain to you the horror I just felt: Remember when Kanye crashed Taylor’s stage time at the VMA’s? I’m just going to tell you that that was in 2009 – where has the time flown??

Anyway, after years and years of break up songs from her and an OTT marriage from him, Kanye and Taylor seem to be on good terms.

I could sit here and decipher what they are really thinking (definitely not song lyrics) but I reckon Kanye is gloating about stealing Beck’s thunder for a few seconds in what everyone is hoping was a joke. Have you seen that little clip yet? You can watch his explanation also.

But back to Kanye and Taylor – maybe we will get a colab soon?

[Source: Time]