Friday, March 7, 2025

February 6, 2015

Three Words: Snowboarder, Avalanche, GoPro

This just goes to show that if you are doing something even remotely rad, you should have a video camera of sorts with you because life happens.

Whilst this is my greatest fear on all of my ski trips, I have so far managed to not be in an avalanche which is great.

Romanian snowboarder and mountain rescue volunteer Sorin Radu got caught in one the other day in Romania and he captured it all with his GoPro.

Please take note of the moment the snow cracks and what your immediate thought would be, because I know for a fact I would full-on panic like I have never panicked before.

Here are some great images from other avalanches, just to get you excited for your August ski trip – I like getting people super stoked for their holidays.

Oh, yes, Sorin is fine.

[Source: Mashable]