It seems anything Miley can do, Kendall Jenner can do better. I would suggest Miley holes herself up in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan in the hope that Kendall may follow suit, but there’s more chance of Bruce Jenner winning another Olympic gold medal.
Miley recently had a splash-about sans bikini top. We didn’t write about it you perverts, do your own Googling. Now photos have emerged of Kendall Jenner baring all for ‘Love’ magazine, and she seems to have ‘grown up’ quite a bit. The pic below, semi-work suitable.
The size of Kendall’s mammaries have come under scrutiny after the pics surfaced. I’m not proud of this, but here is a racy pic of Kendall towards the end of 2013:
Thanks to the internet we are all boob experts, so it seems to me there has been an alarming amount of development in this area.
You can make your own mind up, I stopped caring a long time ago.