The lying game is a dangerous game to play. Imagine winning seven titles in the world’s most prestigious biking event with the aid of an intricate doping scheme and mobile blood transfusion centre, then bare-faced lying to the world about it all. It takes some balls, or one at least in Lance Armstrong’s case.
Next to that whopper, a lie about hitting a couple of parked cars in Aspen, Colorado must have been a walk in the park for the ex-cyclist. You see, Lance managed to nail two parked cars with his SUV and then let his girlfriend, Anna Hansen, take the blame. ESPN reports:
Detectives later interviewed Hansen, who eventually told them Armstrong was driving, but the couple had decided to let her take the blame.
“We’ve had our family name smeared over every paper in the world in the last couple of years and honestly, I’ve got teenagers, I just wanted to protect my family…I thought, gosh, Anna Hansen hit some cars, it’s not going to show up in the papers, but Lance Armstrong hit some cars, it’s going to be a national story.”
Armstrong will now appear in court on March 17, with the penalty for failing to report a crime punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a fine of up to $300.
While it’s not like he was abusing animals or throwing people off buildings, Lance did recently admit in an interview with the BBC that he would be tempted to cheat again were he to do it over.
We’re not saying that he is the world’s most awful person but we suggest from here on out that Lance adopts a policy of honesty. Once bitten, twice shy my friend.