Wednesday, February 19, 2025

EFF Hard Hats Feared For Their Dangerous Projectile Potential

The ANC are obviously concerned at the ninja-like capabilities of the EFF party members, fearing a popular EFF accessory could be used as a weapon.

We are, as a people, rather resourceful. Give us an empty two-litre Coke bottle and some hosepipe and we can make a pretty decent funnel.

But using one’s hard hat as a weapon? The ANC deputy chief whip Doris Dlakula has told a multi-party sub-committee responsible for revising parliamentary rules that this is an actual cause for concern. This quote from Doris on TimesLive:

 They are dangerous, they are weapons.

There you have it. Of course the EFF weren’t going to take this one lying down, with the party’s chief whip Floyd Shivambu confirming that should the ruling be adopted they would defy the ban. TimesLive again:

I think you are steering into dangerous territory…If we do not find agreement here, we will submit it to a different process.

Politicians, they really are getting more petty than two fake-breasted bimbos on an episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta. Not that I have ever seen an episode, of course.
