Thursday, March 27, 2025

January 7, 2015

They Reckon This 12-Year-Old Is The Next Lionel Messi [Video]

It must be nice to be 12 years old and be compared to one of the greatest footballers on earth. Then again, when you got skills like this 'laaitjie', they might be on to something.

No pressure kid, but we think you might be the next Messi, arguably the greatest footballer ever to walk the planet. But yeah, no pressure.

12-year-old Ferhat Cogalan, who currently plays in Spain for Valencia’s youth team, wowed onlookers with some sublime skill and a few cracking goals to boot.

You can see the goals above in the video from Eurosport at 0:06 and 0:36, with some of his nifty skills after that.

Shame, a little jealous your kid isn’t a soccer prodigy like Ferhat yet? Probably not enough practice. There’s still time to make millions off your childhere’s some super affordable soccer gear for your little future sports star.