Sorry gents, but if you thought your lady friend was cranky enough during THAT time of the month it may get a whole lot worse before it gets better.
USAToday are reporting that a new study, published in Psychiatry Journal, shows there are optimal points in the menstrual cycle during which quitting smoking is most likely to succeed. Max Wachtel, a psychologist, reasoned as such:
The high levels of estrogen and progesterone in a woman’s system during ovulation lessen the awfulness of nicotine withdrawal and craving…
And physical withdrawal only lasts for about a week, so quitting two weeks before your period can be good timing.
When one considers that less than 10% of former smokers attempting to quit manage to abstain for a full year, it is clear that any advantage should be grabbed with both hands.
Of course you could always join the 21st century and jump on the e-cig train with Twisp. Studies have shown that e-cigs are one of the most effective methods of quitting, in addition to being healthier than other alternatives in the long run.