We know you made those New Year’s resolutions under duress. The drinks were flowing, people were stepping up to the plate and you wanted to impress in a big way by making a real statement.
Now, here you sit, that resolution hanging over your head as the first post-work weekend looms. All of a sudden you’re thinking ‘why couldn’t I have made mine something more exciting, a plan to push myself out of my comfort zone and have a bit of fun whilst doing so?’
Well it’s January 7th people, which means you still can. We’re willing to give you one week’s grace, so let’s take the bull by the horns and make this year a good’un.
Truth be told we could all use a little more adventure in our lives, from the great and grandiose to the little things we can do every day to spread some cheer and brighten up our lives. We learn so much about ourselves when we shake up our daily routine.
Let’s start small. Why not learn a phrase in a local language you don’t speak and try it out? Spend a day giving out high fives instead of handshakes, bring the gees! Pick up that musical instrument gathering dust in the corner and give it a bash. Ever played a didgeridoo? It’s epic, and the neighbours will love you.
Here at the 2ov HQ we are taking this mission seriously, which doesn’t happen all that often. Highlights this year include:
– Seeing a sunrise that wasn’t after a night out. This involved waking up before the sun had risen, strapping on the hiking shoes and watching Cape Town wake up from up above.
– Taking the Red Bus around Cape Town and living like a tourist for a day. We live in a beautiful city folks, let’s make sure we make the most of it.
– Sending one message every day on Facebook to a friend we haven’t spoken to in a while. Then getting so much love and laggies back in return.
Right, you want to get involved? We knew you would. The fine folk at Fuze tea™ have launched the #trysomethingnew campaign across various social media, inviting consumers to share their stories, pics and experiences with others who are expanding their horizons and setting off into the unknown. Take a pic, write a note, tell your story and bounce ideas around as we look at making 2015 a fantastic year, full of the zest to #trysomethingnew! Get involved on the website, or join the conversation on twitter with @FuzeTea or check’em on Facebook.