Saturday, March 22, 2025

January 7, 2015

Blackouts Are Actually Causing Flight Delays in SA Now

At least you don't have to deal with Eskom's inadequacies whilst flying mile-high, right? Well what if you can't get off the ground in the first place...

It’s bad enough when you are parked on the couch, the game about to kick off, and you hear that awful noise as every electrical appliance in the house shuts down. Of course it ain’t because you didn’t pay your bills. Nah man, it’s just Eskom reminding us that this is Africa we live in.

Now imagine waiting to get onto your flight and being told to enjoy another 90 minutes of watching ANN7 news reports because of power cuts.

This happened yesterday to the folks at Durban’s King Shaka International Aiport, with fin24 reporting:

“Approximately 20% of Mango’s morning flights were impacted by 90-minute delays on average”… Hein Kaiser, a spokesman for the low-cost carrier, said in an e-mailed statement on Tuesday.

Flights were back on schedule by 12:00 after fuel was brought in from other airports, he said.

The cut interfered with the refuelling of the planes, which even the less aviation-inclined amongst us will realise is something of a problem.

Thankfully, normal service has been resumed at the airport and people have been able to return to work and answer emails and prepare reports and other such fun stuff…you poor bastards.

Of course one can always take back the power. Prevent these pesky outages from forcing you into having candle-lit dinners with people you care nothing for with a solar power bank. Ever the romantics, aren’t we?