Oh Madonna, does your self-promotion know no boundaries? In an effort to spread the word about her upcoming album “Rebel Heart”, Madge has angered critics by tweeting photoshopped images of iconic figures such as Madiba and Martin Luther King.
The images, which she claims were created by her fans, show the men and women with black rope bound tightly around their faces. Naturally there has been a big backlash on social media with critics panning the photos, so she took to Facebook in response. Please do excuse her spelling:
“I’m sorry
I’m not comparing my self to anyone
I’m admiring and acknowledging there Rebel Hearts
This is niether a crime or an insult or racist!
I also did it with Michael jaclson and frida khalo and marilyn monroe
Am I saying I am them
I’m saying they are Rebel Hearts too.
I didn’t do it
My fans did
And I just re posted those photos
My fans aren’t racist either
If they put me in the same category as these other people
Thank you. I’m very flattered and I hope one day to live up to 1 100th of what those people accomplished.”
No stranger to controversy, Madonna has previously released a book entitled “Sex”, which contained soft-core pornographic images such as analingus (look it up if you dare, after work of course). Malawians may also remember her from when she adopted two children from the country and was accused of “making the poor dance for her” by President Joyce Banda.
For the full story head to the Huffington Post.