This is what mens’ nightmares are made of: girls faking being pregnant just to be kept around.
A 25-year old nurse in South Wales did just that to her one night stand. After spending the night together and doing the deed, Liam Griffiths told Charmaine Wilson that he did not want a relationship.
She got all stalkerish and he had to block her on social media and change his phone number. And then one day, he had to go to the hospital where she worked.
That’s when Charmaine ‘borrowed’ someone’s toddler, and told Liam it was his.
I’d like to take this moment to quote Arielle Pardes, a writer at Vice:
What the fuck is wrong with people?
Apparently Charmaine went on to create a fraudulent birth certificate and even forged the DNA test results.
And this is not the first time a woman has done this.
You can read about more of the cray-crays out there on Vice.