Friday, March 14, 2025

November 14, 2014

“Who The Hell Are You Talking To?” Watch Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Completely Balls It Up [Video]

When in the National Assembly, it seems participants should be reduced to school children and have to hold the "talking stick". Also, language should be kept to a respectful level.

Following on from yesterday’s fiasco in the National Assembly, it seems “swearing” is now a part of the day’s proceedings.

Once Lechesa Tsenoli takes the chair as the National Speaker, one can only assume he is a bit flustered from the morning’s talks.

Tsenoli gets into a brief argument with DA “chief whip” John Steenhuisen with regards to happenings earlier in the day, and Tsenoli ends up asking Steenhuisen, “Who the hell were you talking to?”. This happens at about 2:10 in the video, but as a word of advice: watch the whole thing – you won’t be sorry.

What a balls up.

Once again, the occupants of the NA erupt into noise.

Check out Eye Witness News