Every morning, five days a week, I walk from my car to the office. It’s like I am on some sort of parade – the amount of men who have something to say is quite phenomenal. I’m not dressed in anything special, ever. Nothing is tight, or showing cleavage. Then the same thing happens on the afternoon walks.
It’s exhausting, and I often wonder why men do it.
Well, finally, we have our “scientific answers” to this age old question. The guys over at Gothamist partnered with a production company called Marabigo, and created this wonderful video.
In it, they ask men and women about catcalling and being catcalled respectively, and really, the answers…
To appear macho within a group of friends; to exercise one’s right to free speech; to express attraction; attractive clothing…
On the attractive clothing comment, a boy said, “If a girl comes out in tight leggings, and you can see something back there… I’m saying something”.
And ladies, if you do NOT want to be harassed and catcalled, then the men suggest this: “Try not to wear tight clothes”.
Hey, men? How about a NO.
Check out The Huffington Post