Friday, February 28, 2025

Man Eaten Alive By Snake For Discovery Channel [Video]

People will go to such extreme lengths for their 15 minutes of fame, even get eaten by a snake...for realsies

People will go to such extreme lengths for their 15 minutes of fame, doing the most ridiculous things. Paul Rosolie is taking it to a whole new level, though, by getting eaten by a massive anaconda.

They’re filming for a TV special for the Discovery Channel and, yes, whilst I have always wanted to see the inside of a large snake (especially after watching all those movies with J-Lo getting chased through jungles) I don’t see how this is a good idea.

Paul will be wearing a “custom-built snake-proof suit” and sounds pretty excited about it all.

“We’re gonna get me inside the snake. We’re gonna make me as appealing as possible, so the snake just says, ‘Well, I got this big thing here. I might as well get a free meal.'”

Good luck to you, Paul. Rather you than me.

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