This is probably one of the most needed apps at the moment, especially with all the different kinds of public transport available, not to mention all the different stops and how to get from one place to another fast enough. Basically, it takes that I-don’t-know-where-to-go-for-the-next-terminal-shit-in-my-pants feeling completely out of the game. YES.
The application will be able to map out all the different public transport services across the city which includes the MyCiTi bus service, Metrorail, Golden Arrow, the Jammie Shuttle service and city sightseeing buses. It will tell commuters which mode — bus or rail, or combination of the two — to use to reach their destination. The information the application will provide will also include where to find the closest and most convenient stops and stations, the distance to the stop or station and directions for how to get there.
The app doesn’t only sort out the hipsters without bicycles though, it also has a function for those cruising around in their own tjor. For those using private transport, the app will show different routes, estimated time of arrival and also any matters of concern.
It seems that the app will become a platform to “also assist us in building a well-run and more efficient city, be it through improved public transport services or fixing a traffic light or a pothole”, according to Cape Town’s mayoral committee member for transport, roads and stormwater, Brett Herron.
This “first of its kind” app in Africa, is available for download on your preferred App store. Just search for TCT
For more info check out BDlive