It’s almost Christmas and that’s fabulous and there will be trees with decor and fairy lights EVERYWHERE and carols. Oh my god there will be CAROLS! And presents under the tree. Lots and lots of lovely little presents (I basically turn into Gollum on Christmas morning). I’m the baby in the family, with four older siblings and divorced parents. It’s truly a magical time, with all three of my dad’s WAGS in attendance.
But every year I never forget that there are millions of children who are not experiencing the Gollum-esque craziness of Christmas morning because they do not have their family gathered around a tree, and they cannot afford it. Which is why every year I also go to the effort of doing a few Santa’s Shoeboxes. They are so much fun to do – get hold of a shoebox and fill it with lovely things. I always pack in a few essentials: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, facecloth, underwear. Then I get going with the fun stuff. You always know if you have a boy or a girl to buy for, and their age and name. Stuffed toys, crayons, colouring-in books, balls. It’s also nice to pop in a little play outfit if I can too (sometimes sizing gets a bit risky, but rather to big than too small).
My only problem with doing my shoeboxes is finding the actual boxes. I do not keep empty boxes at home. This year, however, it’s going to be ridiculously easy. Stor-Age has partnered up with Santa Shoebox and will provide a free, empty shoebox to anyone that wants to make someone’s Christmas a little bit brighter this season.
This picture just made me have a little cry as I write this. It is SO incredible to see people do good for others. It restores my faith in humanity.
Keep in mind that if you need to store a very large present away from your inquisitive other half/offspring until Christmas morning, your first month at Stor-Age will cost you R1.