Monday, March 24, 2025

October 28, 2014

ISIS Hostage Reporting On Their Behalf Now [Video]

British hostage John Cantlie now appears to be reporting for ISIS, but is he doing it against his will?

The growing strength and influence of ISIS is reaching such a point that the militant group now has their own news anchor.

That said, their “correspondent” is actually British hostage John Cantlie, who was abducted by jihadists alongside American journalist James Foley.

Cantlie has now appeared in a new video, reporting from the besieged town of Kobani. Likely forced into his said opinions, Cantlie scornfully rejects Western media coverage of the battle for the Syrian border town.

The video homes in on a healthy-looking Cantlie, who is dressed in black—like an ISIS fighter—in contrast to the orange jumpsuit of a prisoner he was seen wearing in five episodes of jihadist propaganda films called “Lend Me Your Ears.” His hair has grown out and his skin color is less pale, suggesting that the previous videos were shot several weeks ago, around the time ISIS beheaded Foley and another American reporter, Steven Sotloff.

Check out the full story on The Daily Beast.