Thursday, March 13, 2025

October 27, 2014

God How Embarrassing: Zuma Cancels Trip After British Prime Minister Refuses To Meet

Jacob Zuma is keeping us entertained again, because no one likes a comedown after the fun weekend. Here he is cancelling trips and wasting money.

“The president’s diary is subject to change at all times according to requirements.”

Nice excuse, Mac Maharaj. You must actually have a degree in spin doctoring.

Our dear president has cancelled a trip to the UK after being told he can only meet with David Cameron’s second in charge, Nick Clegg. Apparently that’s not good enough.

Zuma was supposed to be in the UK to attend the 3rd Annual innovaBRICS Conference, but instead the country will be represented by Minister in the Presidency Jeff Radebe, the minister of trade and industry, Rob Davies; finance, Nhlanhla Nene; and communications, Faith Muthambi.

“It was not a South Africa-UK bilateral visit which required engagements at government level.”

It’s a fair enough explanation on behalf of Zuma, but in the end it’s just another excuse that we’re hearing about the man who is supposed to be leading South Africa.


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