Friday, March 7, 2025

October 24, 2014

Another Fabulous Reason To Celebrate Yourself

I spend most Sunday afternoons religiously drinking ice cold white wine spritzers. It prepares me for Monday by vanishing any important things I should be remembering and enables me to lay in the garden and day dream.

I spend most Sunday afternoons religiously drinking ice cold white wine spritzers. It prepares me for Monday by vanishing any important things I should be remembering and enables me to lay in the garden and day dream. I’m an avid supporter of the day dream. It’s when you can be creative and imaginative and, most importantly, dream.

Often, the dream includes me stomping on barrels of grapes and turning purple, like a cartoon character. Other times, I sit and doodle wine labels (for when I produce my own range of Sparkling wine {going MCC styles, obviously} that contains some sort of edible glitter).

This is why I yelped with elation when I saw this: a charity dinner where you GET TO MAKE YOUR OWN WINE. What? Surely not?

The genius people behind Cape Town’s best Cafe de Paris steaks have paired up with Haute Espoir wine farm to bring you a night where your day dreams can come true.

Sounds good, right?

You’ll get to spend the evening blending your own wine and, if yours is the best wine (it won’t be – mine will win.), you will receive a case of your delightful creation. I love a little bit of competition. I love to win. Who dares to compete?

The night doesn’t stop there, though. With prizes to be won and DJs to dance to, the evening is set to be all sorts of fun. But, whilst having fun and dreaming is healthy, there is also an important aspect to remember – all proceeds from the event will go to Watershed Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation. God, I love animals. And so do you.

It really is two birds with one stone. But these birds we won’t be killing – because animals and charity.

You get to have some fun and let loose, and support a charity, all in one night.

Please book directly with Christelle Radyn at