Sunday, March 23, 2025

October 9, 2014

Tinder Date Turns Into Gang-Rape Nightmare

Online dating has become so much simpler with the invention of Tinder, but that doesn't mean you should drop your guard.

This is actually a nightmare come true, and something that one often thinks will never happen to them.

A woman from New Zealand popped over to Australia for business and met a man on Tinder. They decided to meet in a bust restaurant, with friends of his joining them later in the evening. After a while she started to feel “numb and dizzy” and was then taken back to a house and was “sexually assaulted multiple times”.

She told friends the next day who then went to police to report it.

“It’s absolutely vital that people using dating websites and apps remember that how a person portrays themselves on the internet can be very different from their real life persona… we strongly advise people that if they decide to meet a person they have been introduced to via the internet, then ensure the meeting is in a public place and take a friend along with you.”

I’ll admit to going on a few Tinder dates (#cringe) and I make sure to have a friend phone me throughout the night, just in case. There are crazies out there.

Check out Metro