Friday, March 21, 2025

October 9, 2014

Is Your Morning Cuppa Jo Making A Difference?

Saving the world one coffee at a time... That's what vida is doing. Now you, too, can sip-sip on your favourite cuppa, and feel 100% guilt free.

We love our morning cup of coffee from vida (actually, it’s more like morning, mid-morning, after lunch and on the way home from work Meia de Leite). If your little indulgence makes you feel in any way guilty, it doesn’t have to anymore.

vide e Caffe has partnered with the Good Work Foundation (GWF) in a campaign called “Shot of Life”.

The GWF  is a forward thinking, innovative & passionate organisation and aims to bring world class education to rural Africa. It’s wonderful. We all know that if everyone can get an education, the world will be a very different place.

So, how to get involved… When you’re getting your seventh Con Panna of the day, add an extra Shot of Life for R5 to your bill. Don’t worry – you’re not getting another shot added to your double. We don’t want you bouncing off the walls. The R5 gets donated to the GWF.

Watch the video. Get involved. Go grab another coffee.

Check out the vida Facebook page HERE and the GWF website HERE