Friday, March 21, 2025

October 9, 2014

Interactive Map Shows Surprising Number Of Child Deaths On Western Cape Roads

Very scary stats and numbers have been announced about child pedestrian deaths in the Western Cape. Look after your kids, everyone.

This makes me want to cry – it’s devastatingly sad.

Over 30 children under ten years of age have been knocked down and killed on the Western Cape roads this year.

These stats have been released via an interactive map and are part of the Western Cape’s Safely Home campaign. You can click through the Safely Home website HERE and have a look for yourself – it consists of child pedestrians and one can only assume they were a part of a group of friends probably kicking a soccer ball around on the pavement.

One marker recorded on Voortrekker road in Parow reads: “Boy aged six fatally knocked down at 23:30pm on a school holiday.”

Parents need to take responsibility of their kids and teach them the “Right, Left, Right Again” action (god, I consider myself an adult most of the time and I still use that when crossing the road…).

Check out Wheels24