Thursday, March 27, 2025

October 8, 2014

These Are The Rules If Journalists Want To Cover ISIS Without Getting Their Heads Chopped Off

Yoh, I would definitely not be a journalist in Syria at the minute - so many rules to follow, and breaking them could possibly end in a beheading.

There are some crazy journalists out there in Syria, who are absolutely adamant to keep up-to-date with what ISIS is doing.

They’re staying put in Deir Ezzor province, but are having to follow some strict rules set on them by the Islamic State extremists.

“Amer, a journalist in Deir Ezzor, said while it was a risk to stay and keep working, he was motivated to document events taking place in ISIS territory. He felt that someone had to stay behind to report from within, to share the news with the world.”

There are 11 rules the journo’s need to follow, and some of them are pretty hectic.

1 – Correspondents must swear allegiance to the Caliph [Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadi … they are subjects of the Islamic State and, as subjects, they are obliged to swear loyalty to their imam.

2 – Their work will be under the exclusive supervision of the [ISIS] media offices.

3 – Journalists can work directly with international news agencies (such as Reuters, AFP and AP), but they are to avoid all international and local satellite TV channels. They are forbidden to provide any exclusive material or have any contact (sound or image) with them in any capacity.

4 – Journalists are forbidden to work in any way with the TV channels placed on the blacklist of channels that fight against Islamic countries (such as Al-Arabiya, Al Jazeera and Orient). Violators will be held accountable.

Read the rest of The List HERE, and decide whether you would stick around.

Journalists had to sign contracts agreeing to the rules, and those who didn’t want to sign, left the area.

“The harassment of activists aims to push them to stop reporting on the repressive rule that [ISIS] is trying to impose in its areas.”

Check out Syria Deeply.