I’ll be honest here. When I turned 25 years and 1825 days old, I thought about getting a few improvements on my face. I have this one wrinkle that HAS. TO. GO. It’s now September and I have yet to inject things into my face because I am little bit scared.
There are loads of places that you can go to do that “Botox” (real name Botulinum toxin A), but in reality, you absolutely do not want to go just anywhere, where some lady from XYZ’s School of Beauty walks around waving needles at you. Nope. You want actual, real-life medical practitioners to do the procedures.
There’s been a rise with black market Botox products (as with drugs, cigarettes, fashion etc) and there is no control over what is put into these products. The best thing you can do before your treatment is to ask to see the packaging. Of course, you could just go to Skin & Body Renewal, where you will have a GP using legit products.
And watch out for treatment “specials”. Botox treatments shouldn’t be reduced in cost – you should be paying for the proper products, and for the time of a GP (and we all know that doesn’t come too cheaply!) – as cheaper can mean inferior products, which in turn can lead to you having your eyebrows drooping down to your nose, and that is never a good look.
Pop to a Skin, Body & Health – they will answer any of your concerns and make you feel safe and sound about giving yourself a little lift in the beauty department. Have a listen to their interview on the Abstract Aimee show for some real life advice: HERE.
Visit Skin Renewal to make an informed decision.