If you thought modern technology, such as satellite imagery, would convert those who still believe the world is flat, you’d be wrong.
VICE decided to sit down with the The Flat Earth Society, who are modern followers of Samuel Rowbotham, who published Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe, a 430-page book in which he affirmed that Earth is flat.
We base our reflection on the zetetic method—an alternative to science, which asserts that sensory observations prevail over scientific theory. Through logical deduction and empirical data, we maintain that the Earth is flat.
But what about the view of other planets? Surely seeing other spherical planets through a telescope would make them see that the Earth is also round?
It’s not because every planet seems spherical that the Earth is spherical as well. Our planet is very special. First, it is inhabited. The ancient Greeks used to think the Earth was round, because they believed every celestial body was a perfect sphere, including the Earth. They just strengthened their assertion with observation.
Check out the full interview on VICE.