An Australian couple are hopeful – if only distantly- that their daughter may have survived the MH17 tragedy. Their theory is not completely impossible, but it is extremely unlikely. With 16 people still missing, their journey to search for their daughter may take them into a war zone.
The Perth-based parents of MH17 victim Fatima Dyczynski are flying to Europe and still hold hope their daughter could be alive.
Miss Dyczynski, 25, a promising space engineer and aspiring astronaut, was moving from Germany to start a new life in Perth when she boarded the Malaysia Airlines flight along with 297 other people.
Despite authorities advising that there were no survivors of the crash, Angela Rudhart-Dyczynsk said she held hope her daughter might be alive because her mobile phone continued to ring after the plane was downed, The West Australian reported.[…]
Mr Sattler [ a close family friend] has written a blog post explaining why Mr Dyczynski’s believes she may have miraculously survived.
‘He theorises that she may have been catapulted into the sky, still strapped to her seat and if it had remained intact it could have cushioned the impact of falling to ground from such a great height,’ Mr Sattler wrote.
‘The freezing temperatures encountered by anyone exposed to the atmosphere at over ten thousand metres could have caused the brains of any survivors of the initial blast to “hibernate”, at the same time countering the heat generated by the explosion, he says.
While this is a pretty far fetched theory, the grieving parents will hold onto it for comfort until they are able to bring their daughter home, one way or another. This is yet another story of an extremely bright future, snubbed out by the missile that blew the Malaysia airlines jet into pieces last week.
Check out the full story on the Daily Mail.