We all have our favourite celebs and when images of ideal beauty are so heavily unrealistic, it is hardly surprising that we latch onto anything that is real to measure up against. Emulating real life people is easier than trying to match up to an airbrushed, photoshopped creation and, let’s be honest, we do judge ourselves and each other on appearance.
Fair, Kim Kardashian is also not the most “real” standard to set for yourself but clearly this woman thinks Kim is just the bee’s knees!
[Claire Leeson] The Essex, England resident revealed she’s spent an estimated $30,000 on breast implants, hair extensions, spray tans, makeup and clothing to emulate the 33-year-old star. Appearing on ITV’s “This Morning” on July 14, Leeson explained that the extreme measures she’s taken to look more like Kardashian were done in an attempt to gain self-confidence after being bullied as a teen.
“I’ve had my teeth whitened, then I wanted my boobs enhanced … and with pictures [of Kardashian] explained to my surgeon that I wanted to look like this,” she told “This Morning” hosts Ruth Langsford and Ben Shephard. “I also wear bum padding — it’s a silicone base. Pants with silicone inside.”
Leeson says the pads “feel very real” but is planning on having surgery to increase the size of her backside, because “my bum is never going to be as big as Kim’s is,” she said.
Leeson apparently became obsessed with Kardashian after friends told her she resembled the reality star.
Comparison time:
In case you couldn’t tell… Claire is the bottom pic. Not convinced that all the spending was worth it… let’s take another look at the whole picture:
Honestly, Claire, you would probably have been better off spending all that money on some psychological therapy.
Check out the full story at The Huffington Post.