Friday, March 14, 2025

July 16, 2014

Big 5 at 5 – ANC’s Facebook Blunder, Kim K Lookalike, SAA’s Headache, And Much More

Check out the biggest stories from 2oceansvibe today...

2oceansvibe presents you, WeChat users, with the big 5 at 5 today.

Not Very Bright – ANC’s Social Media Manager did Badly With This Hitler Facebook Post – In this day and age where social media is pretty much your public front, you do have to be aware of what you post on it. This is particularly true when you are affiliated in any way with politics… did this woman not realise this? [Read the full story here]

This Woman Spent R320,000 To Look Like Kim Kardashian – We all have our favourite celebs and when images of ideal beauty are so heavily unrealistic, it is hardly surprising that we latch onto anything that is real to measure up against. Picture your favourite celeb… now superimpose their face over yours, just for fun. Like what you see? Claire does… [Read the full story here]

25 SAA Passengers Injured – ‘Mostly From Hitting Heads On Cabin Roof’ – We all assume flying is as safe as anything and with low cost airlines making air travel all the more accessible and affordable, we are all becoming somewhat seasoned travellers. Bet you wouldn’t have expected THIS though… [Read the full story here]

Pistorius Could “Bury Quinton Van Der Burgh” With The “Dirt” He Has On Him – Oscar Pistorius allegedly made some pretty threatening claims before the nightclub scuffle broke out. [Read the full story here]

Pistorius’ Family Say He’s Getting Into ‘Self-Harming’ Behaviour – Oscar’s family have responded to the weekend’s incidents with Jared Mortimer, defending the athlete and emphasising his vulnerable emotional state…Sounds familiar, where have we heard this line of defence before? Oh that’s right… [Read the full story here]