Oscar Pistorius thought that hanging in ‘the VIP Room’ at the Michelangelo Towers in Sandton this last weekend, would be the right thing to do. One thing led to another and security guards had to step in to prevent a full-blown brawl.
It should be noted that The VIP Room – located at the Michelangelo Towers in Sandton – proudly positions itself as ‘catering for the nouveau riche.’

This, from EWN:
… the 27-year-old said a man approached him and aggressively engaged him on matters relating to his murder trial.
Pistorius says they had an argument and asked to be left alone, before leaving the venue.
But Jared Mortimer, who was the other party to the squabble, says Pistorius was drunk and insulted his friends before poking him in the chest.
Mortimer says he pushed the athlete backwards off his feet and onto a chair when bouncers intervened to stop an all-out brawl.
From UK’s Telegraph:
The man, named by South African news website The Juice as Jared Mortimer, claimed Pistorius was “drunk and very aggressive” and poked him in the chest while telling him “you’ll never get the better of me”. Mr Mortimer told The Juice he then pushed Pistorius, who fell over into a chair, at which point bouncers at the VIP Room intervened and the athlete left the nightclub.
And again we will hear that it wasn’t Oscar’s fault. That he wasn’t doing anything. That the other guy caused all the drama. But it’s only AFTER the fact that Oscar realises that he shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
Local SA website The Juice reported this:
Jared Mortimer however disagrees. He tells The Juice he entered the vip area of the club as he recognised one of his friends. His friend introduced him to Oscar, who seemed to recognise him from the past. “Oscar knew one of my friends and said, ‘Oh, you are the infamous Jared Mortimer.’ He immediately started talking about his friends and how they had backstabbed him. He mentioned Justin Divaris and Darren Fresco. He then mentioned one of my friends and claimed he had a lot of dirt on that person,” says Jared. He claims Oscar was drunk and very aggressive.
And that’s when he claims things got ugly. “He was going on about how influential his family is and how connected they are. He even pulled out his phone to show me pictures of armoured cars. He said ‘My family owns SANDF. Zuma works for us. I’ll piss on Zuma.”
Jared claims Oscar started poking him on the chest, aggressivly pulling his neck to talk to him. “He said you’ll never get the better of me. I’ll always get the better of you.”
Jared says he pushed Oscar and he fell down. That’s when bouncers intervened and Oscar left the club.

From news24:
Pistorius regretted visiting the club.
“My client regrets the decision to go to a public space and thereby inviting unwelcome attention,” said Burgess (his spokesperson).
Yes, we’re sure he regrets a lot of things after they’ve happened. Sadly in this life you can’t rely on hindsight, as it tends to occur too late..
A few hours after the incident he posted his first tweets since the trial started – bible references which you can read here.
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