Friday, March 14, 2025

July 15, 2014

Enjoy This Kid’s Hair – Her Mother Was Struck By Lightning Before Her Birth

A year ago this little bundle of joy was born a couple week premature by emergency C-section after her parents were struck by lightening. Yes, they were full on struck by lightening, and the baby survived! Does this hairstyle remind you of any other superhero?

A year ago, this little bundle of joy was born a couple weeks premature by emergency C-section after her parents were struck by lightning. Yes, they were thunderstruck.

In all reported cases like this, only half the babies have survived – according to reports from Metro – so little Kimberly is a miracle to her parents. She has had some neurological impairment from the strike, but she has been left with one thing that keeps her folks hopeful that she will one day turn out to have superpowers: her static hair.

For more pics and info check out Metro.