Ok, so there is a nipple in this picture, but we bet you were expecting to see HERS, right? And that right there is Ms Delevingne’s point. We only get excited about nipples when they belong to women and hence women are not allowed to go topless.
Now, before you bombard us with comments saying “no one minds if women walk around topless too!”, just think about what you are saying: sure, the sexy topless airbrushed model you have in your head right now running freely along the beach is not offensive. You might think you would like to see all women walking around topless on hot days – as men often do.
But in a society when women can’t even wear a revealing shirt without being accused of “asking for it”, how free is she really to show us them nipps?
Think about how much you really would like to have nipples walking around freely and what that would mean before you comment, and then let us know what you think.
Full article on Cara Delevingne’s nipple protest here from The Daily Beast.