Friday, March 14, 2025

July 11, 2014

You Actually Won’t Believe How Many Copies Robin Thicke’s New Album Sold In Australia

Robin Thicke's miserable week seems to be going from bad to worse as his record sales roll in from Australia.

Following Robin Thicke’s failed Twitter Q&A, his record sales have come in from Australia, and they”ve basically just rubbed salt into his wounds.

Thicke’s new album, subtly named Paula after his ex-wife PAULA Patton, has sold a stellar 54 odd copies in it’s first week on shelves.

And it’s not that the Aussies are too busy selling out Kylie Minogue concerts, because even the UK audience isn’t taking a liking to his new album, only selling 530 copies in the UK.

Check out the full post on the Guardian.