Saturday, March 15, 2025

Lindsay Lohan Is Suing Grand Theft Auto – Saying This Character Is Based On Her [Video]

Hollywood star Lindsey Lohan is upset of Grand Theft Auto 5's depiction of a troubled actress which resembles her, kind of.

Lindsay Lohan has decided that only she can make a mockery of her own life, and has decided to sue Rockstar, the makers behind the acclaimed Grand Theft Auto video game franchise, for creating a character that “resembles” her.

Lohan is upset with GTA V‘s starlet Lacey Jonas, who she says features a likeness and personal details very similar to that of her own.

The GTA franchise is known to parody real-life people and cultural phenomenons, and GTA V even includes a Facebook-like social network called Life Invader, which is a satirical stab at the fascination with other people’s lives.

Check out the character which Lohan is disputing over:

Check out Kotaku for the full story.