Thursday, March 13, 2025

May 26, 2014

It’s Acceptable For Women To Physically Abuse Men [VIDEO]

People who saw the man being physically aggressive with the woman were clearly incensed and even threatened to call the cops. When the roles were reversed and the woman lashed out at the man, people found it hilarious and most probably thought that the dude was seriously pussy-whipped and, er, not much of a man at all.


Apparently 40% of domestic violence in the UK is against men – not women. That’s a pretty high statistic actually.

British women are evidently more prone to a short fuse than elsewhere and rather enjoy giving a good old klap to prove their points.

But here’s what’s so fascinating about the above video: In a social experiment conducted by the ‘DareLondon for the Mankind Initiative’, they used actors to role-play domestic violence in a gender-reversal scenario.

People who saw the man being physically aggressive with the woman were clearly incensed and even threatened to call the cops. When the roles were reversed and the woman lashed out at the man, people found it hilarious and most probably thought that the dude was seriously pussy-whipped.

This is pretty serious social commentary guys.

The message here is that there is undue pressure on men to sort of ‘suck it up and be a MAN’ when being physically assaulted by a woman, as opposed to feeling like they are able to express the feelings of vulnerability and fear out in the open.

Sad. But true.

[Source: Metro]