Quite the gentleman, is 2oceansviber Ursula S, who has just won her third bottle of Gentleman Jack. We have now managed to pin close to 50 venues around Cape Town who are stocking Gentleman Jack. Click to view our map and see how easy it is to win.
We said we would give away a bottle of Jack Daniel’s for every bar you tell us that stocks the premium ‘Gentleman Jack.’ You’re coming along very nicely!
Click here to see all our previous winners (scroll down when you get there).
GUYS – PLEASE – IMPORTANT – Check the map before heading out on the hunt for Gentleman Jack. We’re receiving tons of duplicates. The map is here – have a look at it and familiarise yourself with which bars have already been sent in.
To recap, we’re struggling to find venues that stock Gentleman Jack and are giving away a bottle of Jack Daniel’s for every new Cape Town venue that you tell us about, that stocks Gentleman Jack. We’re adding them as pins to the Gentleman Jack map on the Jack Daniel’s microsite HERE.
Well done to Ursula, who has won ANOTHER bottle of Jack. And so can YOU, simply do as the rules explain here.
Click here to see ALL the previous entries.
Ok, so check out this page – that’s the Jack Daniel’s ‘microsite’ within 2oceansvibe. You’ll see we’ve made a pretty little map there. Now that’s the map that we will use to mark off all the fine establishments that stock Gentleman Jack.
All you have to do when you find a bar that serves it, is ask the barman if you can take a picture of yourself with the bottle and send it to us.
Make sure you:
1) Give us the name and address of the bar
2) Ask the barman/manager for a bottle of Gentleman Jack and take a picture for us of you holding the bottle.
3) Tell the manager you can guarantee his/her establishment will get a mention on 2oceansvibe.com, if they’re being difficult.
4) Send the pic to editor@2oceansvibe.com with the subject “I found some Gentleman Jack”
We’re giving away one bottle of Jack Daniel’s for every new one of these you send us. Only one per establishment and one per person.
By the end of it we’ll have a very nicely detailed map showing all the spots that serve Gentleman Jack in Cape Town.
Terms and conditions apply
We reserve the right to end the competition