Thursday, March 27, 2025

March 17, 2014

Head Of Putin’s State Media Says Russia Can Turn US Into Radioactive Dust [Mushroom Cloud Video]

The head of Russia's media - a man basically hand-picked by Vladimir Putin to fulfil the role of unofficial propaganda minister - mentioned somewhat casually during a news show on Sunday night that Russia could "turn turn the U.S. into radioactive dust." You know, hypothetically speaking.

The head of Russia’s media – a man basically hand-picked by Vladimir Putin to fulfil the role of unofficial propaganda minister – mentioned somewhat casually during a news show on Sunday night that Russia could “turn turn the U.S. into radioactive dust.” You know, hypothetically speaking.

Foregrounding video footage illustrating the launch and impact of nuclear warheads on a map of the United States (punctuated by a fun little mushroom cloud), Dmitry Kiselyov explained that “Russia is the only country in the world realistically capable of turning the United States into radioactive dust,” even if every Russian were dead.

“Even if people in all our command posts after an enemy atomic attack cannot be contacted, the system will automatically fire our missiles from mines and submarines in the right direction.”

And yet, this show is somehow still less depressing than Carte Blanche.

The fun/terrifying imagery starts around the 45 second mark.

Maybe we all just need to chill the hell out, and make friends over a bloody good beer, hey? Let’s do that. The only popping I want to hear is a swing-top bottle.

Brought to you by Grolsch

[Source : Mashable]