Sunday, March 23, 2025

February 18, 2014

‘Catch Me If You Can’ Motorcyclist Busted [VIDEO]

He might be this years forerunner for being the dumbest criminal. Not only did he post a video of himself racing through traffic on the San Antonio police department's Facebook page, writing "Catch me if you can," it was done under his name. It turns out the police could indeed catch the moronic Alberto Rodriguez.

We have this year’s forerunner for dumbest criminal. Not only did this chap post a video of himself racing through traffic on the San Antonio police department’s Facebook page, writing “Catch me if you can,” he posted it under his name. It turns out the police could indeed catch the moronic Alberto Rodriguez.

Not only is Rodriguez in trouble for stealing the bike, he also has outstanding felony and misdemeanour warrants on his name. Shem.

[Source : CNN]