Online education in South Africa has joined a global revolution with Apple’s latest decision to open up iTunes U Course to another 70+ countries from around the world.
With in-country support from Digicape, iTunes U Course Manager lets SA educators expose their course material to a global audience for the first time”, says Alan Goldberg, Director of Education at the Apple premium reseller.
This opens up a new way of teaching (and learning) for everyone from the youngest to the oldest; children from the lowest nursery grades, to the highest tertiary and academic classes, business people and life-long learners looking for enrichment. Create, distribute, teach iTunes U Course Manager is a Web-based tool for instructors to create, edit, design, distribute and teach all-digital courses – whether they are affiliated with an educational institution or not, Goldberg explains. Courses can be enriched with a broad range of audio, video, books and other materials to augment course materials, and shared quickly and easily with students in possession of an Apple ID and iOS device, within the iTunes U app.
Instructors can upload their own files, reference Apple materials such as iBooks, iOS apps or other iTunes materials, or provide links from the App Store or the broader Web,” he continues.
Instructors affiliated with educational institutions can further send course links to their iTunes U Public Site Manager administrator, who can publish it to their institution’s iTunes U site and make it available publicly in the iTunes U catalog. Goldberg says Digicape is seeing a lot of excitement for the iTunes U Course Manager among schools, universities and colleges around the country, as they look to adopt digital delivery platforms.
Apple surpasses all others with education solutions, offering a complete digital delivery ecosystem and the best content, apps and devices, trusted and beloved by users around the world.
“iTunes U is the world’s largest catalogue of online education content, and iTunes U Course Manager supports multiple media types from various sources, for the richest possible online education experience. This is the new way of learning, embraced by educators and students around the world,” he says. Digicape, a foremost Apple authority, provides consulting services to institutions around the country on making the transition from legacy education systems, offering leading skills, services and best practices to help clients get the best from Apple infrastructure, devices and accessories. “We recognise that not all schools are ready to embrace a fully digital solution and even those that are, often want to adopt a phased approach.” That is why Digicape handle each school or institution individually; from meeting for coffee to start the dialogue about introducing technology into learning practices, to consulting on a defined strategy to map the migration path for the school, teachers and parents; to training the teachers on how to use the devices, software and apps available; to implementing a fully networked solution with connectivity, cabling, provision of devices on flexible finance or rental plans and technical staff to provide ongoing support.
We are proud and excited to be driving the future of education in this country,” Goldberg concludes.
Digicape is South Africa’s premium independent Apple reseller and ‘Your Local Apple Expert”. Offering the latest range of Apple products and services and complementary accessories from leading manufacturers, Digicape’s product knowledge, service solutions and training is unrivalled. Digicape are authorized resellers of Adobe software and the Mac software range from Microsoft amongst other software from third party developers. For more information and the latest product news visit Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
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[Source : Mashable]