There’s paid-for product placement and then there is free, invaluable exposure by way of brand loyal customers.Take this famous US brand which found itself the subject of a hit rap song which is closing in on YouTube 100,000 views.
Press play above to check it out.
This is what our source said about it:
¡MAYDAY!’s “On That Jack” details the experience of millions of men and women across the world letting loose on the weekend (or as the cool kids referred to it in 2013, “turning up”) and the liquor courage they employ to do so. In fact, if the higher ups at Jack Daniels come across this video, sliding the Miami group a check wouldn’t be a bad look at all.
[more here]
We couldn’t agree more. Hopefully our boys and girls over at Jack will pick this up and have a word with their US counterparts!
Great little tune.
Not that Jack Daniel’s are surprised, I’m sure. The iconic Tennessee whiskey has enjoyed free exposure since the days of Frank Sinatra. He happens to be buried with a bottle. Read about that here.
And who can forget when Colin Farrell arrived at the Oscar wearing this:
That’s what happens when your brand has a logo that just oozes cool..
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