An extraordinary man on an extraordinary journey. In March 2011, Drew Milne did what no man has done before him. He embarked on an epic 16 000km, with only a Vespa between him and the open road. His ‘Vescapade’ (it’s a thing you guys!) took him to exotic places like India and Milan.
Over two years, Drew travelled from London to Australia. Yoh.
Check out his journey below:
An emu investigates the Vespa at a service station in Coober Pedy – Erldunda, South Australia in the early stages of Drew’s journey to London.
Drew photographed this man taking his elephant for a walk in Thung Wa – Penang, Thailand.
A Pakistani man helps Mr Milne open the crate containing the bike after it was shipped from Dubai.
He said the Vespa, pictured here during a journey towards the Spanish coast at Lugo, Oviedo, was a great way of meeting people.
Drew rides past Buckingham Palace as his long journey nears its end.
We just have one question, really – how about that saddle sore, bru?
[Source : DailyMail]