Dan Bilzerian, 32, describes himself a an “actor/astronaut/asshole” to his 100,000 Instagram followers. He’s a professional poker player, and you could pretty much sit motionless on your couch, follow his Instagram updates everyday, and live a very full life vicariously through him.
Just the other day he posted a picture of a topless blonde woman swimming next to a seal in his pool. There was also a photo of two luxury sports cars with the number plates ‘SUCK IT’ and ‘MR GOAT’. One of the captions to his photo reads:
When I was a kid I never wanted to be classy, I just wanted to be rich.
Charming. Have a look at the gallery.
If you despise the man already, know that he’s already suffered three heart attacks, and he’s only 32.
[Source : Daily Mail]