The unofficial rules of bar etiquette, also known as “how not to be an asshole”, have just been released by Goldman Sachs. These gems will help you get quick service while keeping your dignity intact:
1. Be a regular at more than one bar.
2. Be patient. There’s no line to get drinks in your refrigerator.
3. Always tip more than you should. Tipping at a regular bar is a good investment.
4. Never ask for a ‘good pour.’ That’s asking them to give you something for free, and bartenders can and do get fired for that. If they like you, they’ll hook you up.
5. Never tip a bartender on a free round. Thank him or her and tip big on the next round or when you close out.
6. If you’re having more than one drink, or are with a group of people, just throw your card behind the bar. You can always settle the tab in cash at the right time.
7. Don’t get drunk on beer when you’re trying to pick up girls. (Too many trips to the bathroom.)
8. Never take off your suit jacket. Nobody ever pictures a drunk in a suit and tie. Remove the jacket; destroy the illusion.
9. Don’t treat a bartender like he’s just some guy waiting until he finds a real job.
10. Don’t whistle, snap, yell, or wave money.
For the rest of the list, click here.
[Source : BusinessInsider]