Our new series, Throwback Thursday, re-publishes old 2oceansvibe stories from the days when the readership was 10% the size it is now. A lot of you missed some classic stuff, so here it is – from the depths of our archives..
Originally published June 30, 2005
Free flowing alcohol and orgies (and a room for the night!)
I hope no-one missed the Village and Life advertisement in today’s Cape Times (pg. 7). The poorly written (clearly alcohol fuelled) ad announced that the once classy and prestigious Camps Bay hotel, The Bay, is organising a singles swingers evening for it’s Managing Director, Roelof Troskie (40).
30 single women are invited to apply to join in the festivities where another 30 single MEN (friends of Chairman, Maree Brink) will be joining. Yes, it’s a sleep over!
In english: We’re having a flat out alcohol induced sex orgy on 1 July – Anyone keen?
Aren’t these swingers evenings meant to be discreet?
That was followed by this article, on June 13, 2005:
Only the best PR spin can help this marketing blunder
After seeing a Sunday Times signboard saying something about the “All-nighter singles evening” at The Bay hotel, I darted for the nearest shop. The headline in the paper “Wanted: girl’s for all-nighter” was following up on a story I wrote about the ‘Organised Gang Bang at the Bay Hotel’.
The Sunday Times article went on to say that I wrote my article on The Bay because (according to Village and Life Chairman, Maree Brink) I was jealous for not being invited.
[pause for effect]
Well, we certainly ARE amused! Don’t be angry because your marketing team COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY ballsed up – which was the theme of my article. It’s called constructive criticism, my love. Jealousy is a few light years away. Read it again I find me the smallest trace that says that I would wish to spend an evening in a Camps Bay bordello amongst thirty desperate, aroused (a dangerous combination) 40-year-olds chasing after 30 very genuine women. It’s also INCREDIBLY HILARIOUS to read that the Sunday Times have found out that the 60 single people have to fit into 30 rooms! If that’s not an organised orgy, I don’t know what is! Can you guys dig yourselves any deeper into this hole? What are you going to do next? The funniest thing you could do from here, is cancel the party!
Commenting on my quote “alcohol-induced sex orgy”, it was mentioned that Brink doesn’t even drink. It’s nice to know that you can partake in a sex orgy without being pissed, but I was talking about the general theme of the party/orgy.
I can just see the morning-after breakfast in Tides Restaurant. You’ll find mutterings of “Jesus, it really DID turn into bordello-style alcohol indused sex orgy”. If there ever was a time for newspaper reporters to fuel up the road crew and camp outside the entrance for shots of the red-faced participants departing in the morning – this is it. If only the cameras could capture the stench of sex in the air. Sunday Times, South Africa – if not The World, EXPECTS YOU to follow up.
Sunday Times, 3 July, at a news café near you.
That article was followed up further, with this, on 4 July, 2005
Planned alcohol fuelled sex orgy is binned
I trust you’re all up to date on this story. If not, read the first story HERE and then read the follow up story HERE.
So now that everyone is up to date on the organised gangbang at the new bordello style Bay Hotel in Camps Bay, we have some sad news to report.
The gangbang was cancelled
What a pity! So many of us were hoping the Sunday Times would have the opportunity to photograph and interview the patrons as they left in the morning! Alas, we’ll have to wait until The Bay Hotel screw it up again and organise a similair event causing us to wonder how people get jobs in this town.