With the recent developments in international cyber crime, such as Silk Road and Hitman Network, the internet is fast emerging as one of the 21st century’s hotspots for crime. And we would be wrong to think that cyber crime is something that only happens in the first world. A recent FBI listing showed South Africa to be the sixth most active country for cyber-crime, with an online criminal industry that is costing the government a billion rand a year to contain.
With cyber-crime growing exponentially each day, estimates suggest that the cash from cyber crime will outweigh the income from all other forms of crime in a matter of two or three years. That’s crazy.
South Africa is a hotspot for cyber crime, said head of business crime and forensics at Werksmans, Dave Loxton, because we are essentially a “lawless society” when it comes to cyberspace. Basically, unlike the FBI, the South African Police simply don’t have the resources, time or know-how to execute an internet arrest. Our online law enforcement is “paper thin” according to Loxton.
One of the biggest forms of online crime these days is the cloning of social media accounts. In a new twist on 419 scams, the public is tricked into giving out important financial information to cyber-criminals posing as their friends on Facebook.
So next time your mate asks for your bank details – accuse him of being a criminal. See what happens.
[Source : News 24]